Ringo1986 - A Journey of Resilience and Creative Truth
Experience Lina Petravičiūtė’s courageous journey with Ringo 1986, where each piece boldly reveals her resilience and the power of owning her story.
Daiva Lapėnaitė: Išmok Juoktis (Learn to Laugh)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Daivą Lapėnaitę. Ji - žurnalistė, organizatorė bei įvairiapusė aktyvistė, gyvenanti Sardinijos saloje, Italijoje.
[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Daiva Lapėnaitė who is a journalist, organizer and overall a very active person, currently living in Sardinia, Italy.
One question project: Heidi Clements
One Question Project is here to illuminate the amazing women and their experiences. I created it to inspire and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we may already know. This time I ask one question to Heidi Clements:
How do you address societal pressures and stereotypes about ageing, especially as a woman in the public eye?
Elena Lund: Energija, kuri gali įkvėpti yra visur (Energy that can inspire is everywhere)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Eleną Lund. Ji - konsultantė, koučerė bei aktyvistė, kuri siuo metu gyvena Osle, Norvegijoje.
[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Elena Lund who is a consultant, coach and activist who currently resides in Oslo, Norway.
Deimantė Matulė: Leisti sau gyventi savo gyvenimą (Allow yourself to live your life)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Deimantę Matulę. Ji - veda privačias kūno ir judesio sesijas suaugusiems. Šiuo metu Deimantė gyvena Šveicarijoje.
[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Deimante Matule who conducts private body and movement sessions for adults and is residing in Switzerland.
there are (no)rules
Some tips I collected while working as a photographer over the years to help you prepare for a photoshoot.
Rasa Misiūnaitė: Dvejoti Yra Žmogiška (It’s Human to Doubt)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Rasą Misiūnaitę. Ji - nesikrato veiklos ir užsiima darbais nuo kompiuteriu inžinerijos iki jogos. Šiuo metu Rasa gyvena Kopenhagoje, Danijoje.
[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Rasa Misiūnaite - a person of many occupations from computer engineering to joga. She currently lives in Copenhagen, Denmark.
(un)framing moments
The magic truly happens in the "behind the scenes" moments. It's the connection forged with my subjects, the shared laughter, the whispered stories, and the unspoken bonds that become an integral part of the visual tale. These moments are the heartbeat of my artistry, the raw emotions that infuse life into every frame. […]
Giedrė Juškienė: visų pirma, svarbu žmogiškumas (above all, humanity is important)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Giedrę Juškienę iš Berlyno. Ji - sertifikuota pogimdyminė dula planuojanti sujungti dvi aistras ir tapti fotografuojančia dula.
[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Giedre Juškiene who is a certified postpartum doula and is currently planning to combine her two passions to become a photography doula. She currently resides in Berlin.
Indrė Šidliauskaitė: dvejonės yra gerai (doubts are good)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Indrę Šidliauskaitę. Ji - širdyje nepriklausoma menininkė, konceptuali dizainerė. Indrė šiuo metu gyvena Meksikoje.
In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Indre Sidliauskaite - an independent artist and conceptual designer who currently lives in Mexico.
One question project: Sasha Ozornin
One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question Sasha Ozornin content creator, student and activist currently residing in Italy:
How do you balance creating important content, staying true to your beliefs and managing public feedback (that is not always positive)?
Dalia Makarova: reikia viską išbandyti (you need to try everything)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuvius, išsibarsčiusius po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Dalią Makarovą. Ji - mama, motina, aktyvi visuomenininkė bei Ukrainos lietuvių bendruomenės pirmininkė jau daugiau nei keturis dešimtmečius gyvenanti Kijeve, Ukrainoje.
In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Dalia Makarova who is in Kyiv, Ukraine. She is a mother, activist and chairperson of Lithuanians in the Ukraine Community.
One question project: Kristine Fernandez
One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question Kristine Fernandez who is a digital coach.
Ieva Martinaitytė: nebijok suklysti (don’t fear to be mistaken)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuvius, išsibarsčiusius po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Ievą Martinaitytę - kūrybiškumo ekspertę, kūrėją, mamą ir dar daug kepurių dėvinčią moterį, kuri šiuo metu gyvena Jungtinėje Karalystėje.
In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Ieva Martinaityte who is a creative, creativity expert, entrepreneur, mother and a woman of many other talents who is currently residing in the UK.
Vita Vilimaite Lefebvre Delattre: Judėdami visada atrandame (we discover when we move)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuvius, išsibarsčiusius po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Vitą Vilimaitę Lefebvre Delattre - žurnalistę, rašytoją, kosmopolitę. Šiuo metu Vita gyvena Paryžiuje, Prancūziijoje.
In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Vita Vilimaite Lefebvre Delattre who is a journalist, writer and citizen of the world, currently living in Paris, France.
Roberta Kliknaitė: Išbandyk viską (try everything)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuvius, išsibarsčiusius po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Robertą Kliknaitę - keliautoją, aktyvistę ir nepailstančią atradimų ieškotoją. Šiuo metu Roberta dalina savo laiką tarp Lietuvos ir atviros jūros.
In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Roberta Kliknaite who is activist, traveller and discovery enthusiast. Currently she shares her time between Lithuania and offshore.
Milda Perminienė: Tiesiausias kelias į sėkmę - daryti tai, kas džiugina (Do what gives you joy and success will follow)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuvius, išsibarsčiusius po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Mildą Perminienę - verslo psichologę, dėstytoją bei MS Research and Training Academy įkūrėją. Šiuo metu Milda gyvena Londone.
In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Milda Perminiene who is a business psychologist, senior lecturer and founder of MS Research and Training Academy currently living in London, the UK.
Renata Kemeklytė: gyvenimas man - tai galimybės (life to me is opportunities)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuvius, išsibarsčiusius po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu optimizmo kupiną Renatą Kemeklytę šiuo metu gyvenančią Kampaloj, Ugandoj.
In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Renata Kemeklytė - who is sparkling with optimism and life and currently is living in Kampala, Uganda.