One question project: Zoë Papaikonomou
One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to Zoë Papaikonomou:
How would you advise someone to practice being inclusive and focusing on the power relationships?
Aistė Ryvers: Svarbiausia Išgirsti Save (The most important thing is to hear yourself)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Aistę Ryvers. Ji - akademiją į kūrybinį verslą iškeitusi moteris, šiuo metu gyvenanti Ghent, Belgijoje.
[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Aiste Ryvers who gave up academics to start her own creative business and currently resides in Ghent, Belgium.
grow slow
Marking yet another trip around the sun I really wanted to open up on the importance of balancing professional, personal and everything in between. I did spend some good time reflecting on the monumental moments and especially standing on a verge of a new era for me. [read more…]
Behind the Scenes: Unveiling the Making of the 'Programmers of the Future' Expo
Today signifies the conclusion of the enchanting and thought-provoking "Seeing the Unwritten" exposition. It was a very special experience being able to witness the making of and the living of exposition by the Programmers of the Future which was a part of the greater project of EYE film museum.
One question project: Carina van Kraay
One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to a very inspiring woman - cultural entrepreneur, organiser of festivals and events, music lover and interior designer - Carina van Kraay:
What strategies or approaches have you found effective in navigating traditionally male-dominated environments and ensuring to keep up with staying relevant in an ever-evolving and competitive landscape?
One question project: Jackie Ashkin
One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to a PhD researcher by day and a spoken word artist by night - Jackie Ashkin:
How do you find the balance between working in academia and your creative expression?
Unfolding European Travel
I have designed a six day trip across the Netherlands and it was featured in a travel guide for European travel - “Įdomiausios Kelionės po Europą” (“The Most Interesting Travels around Europe”).
Giedrė Juškienė: visų pirma, svarbu žmogiškumas (above all, humanity is important)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Giedrę Juškienę iš Berlyno. Ji - sertifikuota pogimdyminė dula planuojanti sujungti dvi aistras ir tapti fotografuojančia dula.
[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Giedre Juškiene who is a certified postpartum doula and is currently planning to combine her two passions to become a photography doula. She currently resides in Berlin.
One question project: Hilin Düyü
One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to a very talented and inspiring Hilin Düyü - singer, musician and coach:
How do you think music can help the world?
[Photo] Kenturah’s Kitchen x BLESZ @ ANNA Amstelveen
Last week Wednesday I had the pleasure to capture moments of this beautiful concert at this very special venue in Amstelveen in Amsterdam.
planting flowers
With this spring that is a bit confusing and still raining fear, bombs and shelling in Ukraine, I have also learned so much about Ukrainian culture. I heard this phrase “Ukrainian people are boarn with the knowledge of gardening". The way that sentence was presented to me was “Ukrainian women are boarn with the knowledge of the earth” and it really made me thinking. It made me reflecting how much women I talk to every week are excited about seeds and planting. […]
Julija Jegorova: disciplina nuves tave ten, kur tik motyvacija negali (discipline will take you where motivation cannot)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Juliją Jegorovą. Ji - tarptautinės viešųjų ryšių agentūros įkūrėja. Šiuo metu Julija gyvena Didžiojoje Britanijoje.
[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Julija Jegorova who is the founder of an international PR agency and currently resides in the UK.
(almost) touching the sky
Lately I have been thinking about distances. From now to tomorrow. From here to home when your flight has been cancelled. From my status quo to the new culture I am still not familiar with. How do things feel when you don’t have enought space on your skin. […]
[Photo] Black Hair Workshop
So grateful to be able to capture some beautiful moments at a workshop organized by Film Forward about Black Hair on Set on March 12th 2023 at MACA in Amsterdam.
Indrė Šidliauskaitė: dvejonės yra gerai (doubts are good)
Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Indrę Šidliauskaitę. Ji - širdyje nepriklausoma menininkė, konceptuali dizainerė. Indrė šiuo metu gyvena Meksikoje.
In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Indre Sidliauskaite - an independent artist and conceptual designer who currently lives in Mexico.
[Photo] MACA March 02, 2023
Some photo moments captured at friends and neighbours drinks at MACA at NDSM Amsterdam.
One question project: Sasha Ozornin
One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question Sasha Ozornin content creator, student and activist currently residing in Italy:
How do you balance creating important content, staying true to your beliefs and managing public feedback (that is not always positive)?
Reflection on: War Beyond the Borderlines
Being a day away from crossing the line of one year since the war started in Ukraine, since unexpecting people heard bombs falling, since millions of people faced the change of their lives that can never be repaired. I am so humbled by kind and graceful approach [..]