For almost a year now I have been teaching in an academic setting and, honestly, I have had some moments and hesitations with it. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. But I love education period. I love being able to challenge and question and, hopefully, inspire people. And I have spent almost two decades exploring education, educational spaces, ways to educate, ways to re-learn, un-learn and overall explore what it means to be a human with sometimes unknown capacities for the mental, emotional and creative mind.

More than a year ago I wrote this blog post. I wrote: “The power we hold doesn’t necessarily translate to the change we make.” which is so very true however I now want to ask that question in reverse - is the change we make always dependent on the power we hold?! What’s the answer to either of those questions - I honestly don’t know. What I know is what I do gives me strength, energy, inspiration and so much more motivation to continue.

And when I start going deeper I really understand that at the end of the day, it’s all about the little things - the moments that stick to people, smiles, post-it notes, frustrations, challenges or even joys of well-hidden surprises that unfold as time flows and usually - much much later in life. And that's how my perspective of kite comes in - you can have the most beautiful one that you spend hours, days or decades crafting but its all about the wind and the hands that hold it that take it up high or toss it in the ground. And I can’t be anything less than grateful to have had so many kites up in the sky, up there being held by so many beautiful humans.


One question project: Carina van Kraay


One question project: Jackie Ashkin