Indrė Šidliauskaitė: dvejonės yra gerai (doubts are good)

Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Indrę Šidliauskaitę. Ji - širdyje nepriklausoma menininkė, konceptuali dizainerė. Indrė šiuo metu gyvena Meksikoje.

In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Indre Sidliauskaite - an independent artist and conceptual designer who currently lives in Mexico.

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One question project: Sasha Ozornin

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question Sasha Ozornin content creator, student and activist currently residing in Italy:

How do you balance creating important content, staying true to your beliefs and managing public feedback (that is not always positive)?

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Dalia Makarova: reikia viską išbandyti (you need to try everything)

Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuvius, išsibarsčiusius po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Dalią Makarovą. Ji - mama, motina, aktyvi visuomenininkė bei Ukrainos lietuvių bendruomenės pirmininkė jau daugiau nei keturis dešimtmečius gyvenanti Kijeve, Ukrainoje.

In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking to Dalia Makarova who is in Kyiv, Ukraine. She is a mother, activist and chairperson of Lithuanians in the Ukraine Community.

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book recommendation, book club Evelina Kvartunaite book recommendation, book club Evelina Kvartunaite

Book recommendation: “The Escape Artist” by Jonathan Freedland

Growing up in Lithuania, I was painfully aware of the Holocaust, the lost people, and the broken lives of those who survived and those who were touched by the suffering. Probably for that reason I have never really sought more stories connected to this horrific period and shameful years of the history of mankind. And that’s why this book was a bit of a surprise for me.. [read more]

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One question project: Micaela Brinsley

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question Micaela Brinsley who grew up and lived between two extremes - Japan and the US and got me really interested to learn more:

How do you find a way to be grounded, as someone navigating changes in cultures, spaces, and environments?

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thoughts, insights Evelina Kvartunaite thoughts, insights Evelina Kvartunaite

Softness of Time

Passing of time. I want to look at it with a certain softness, with the understanding that we don’t always remember what really was and what really was doesn’t always need to be remembered. I want to think of time as a gift, as a certain way for each and one of us to grow better, wiser and more relaxed [ more..]

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photography, impressions Evelina Kvartunaite photography, impressions Evelina Kvartunaite

[Photo] Labyrinth is Six

Spoken word poetry came into my life in a big way maybe in 2010. More than a decade ago. I have been inspired, moved and intriqued that much, I actually dared to create an event for it. That was 2011. In 2015 it morphed into Word Up through which and thanks for Kevin Groen, I have been introduced to a beautiful space in Amsterdam - Labyrinth. It’s run by Lindsey and Sam - a beautiful duo that created home for poets, outcasts, storytellers, musicians and just souls looking for inspiration, soul food - literally and figuratively… [read more]

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one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite

One question project: Ayesha Noelle

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question Ayesha Noelle who is a coach, speaker and Applied Psychologist:

What is one hack you used yourself to deal with imposter syndrome?

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One question project: Kristine Fernandez

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question Kristine Fernandez who is a digital coach.

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thoughts, impressions Evelina Kvartunaite thoughts, impressions Evelina Kvartunaite

swimming in grey

I have never been one for sitting still. And I had plenty of situations to do so. Throughtout my life, past years. Past pandemic.

I have never known how to do that really. I suppose people now call it ADHD or other letters. I call it curiosity, restlessness.. I call it show me more. I call it, what’s next. I call it and now what….

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