one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite

One question project: Marjolein Hemker

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we may already know. This time I ask one question to Marjolein Hemker:

How do you prioritise personal development vs professional

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Elena Lund: Energija, kuri gali įkvėpti yra visur (Energy that can inspire is everywhere)

Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Eleną Lund. Ji - konsultantė, koučerė bei aktyvistė, kuri siuo metu gyvena Osle, Norvegijoje.

[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Elena Lund who is a consultant, coach and activist who currently resides in Oslo, Norway.

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thoughts, impressions, photography Evelina Kvartunaite thoughts, impressions, photography Evelina Kvartunaite

Guns, Politics, and the Power of Poetry

In a world often clouded by political divisiveness and cultural complexities, events like the recent gathering organized by the John Adams Institute where I attended a discussion on "Merchants of the Right: Gun Sellers and the Crisis of American Democracy" by Jennifer Carlson, followed by a captivating spoken word performance by Jackie Ashkin, serve as poignant reminders of the multifaceted nature of our society.

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insights, photography, thoughts, creativity, production work Evelina Kvartunaite insights, photography, thoughts, creativity, production work Evelina Kvartunaite

"None of Us Are Enjoying This"

But I did. Through the rainy streets of Utrecht I followed my way into a cozy cafe to find my dear dear friend Jackie preparing for her premiere of “None of Us Are Enjoying This” crafted by her with collaborator Jędrzej Jędraszyk. To me it was not merely a performance but an invitation to pause, contemplate, and feel. [read more..]

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One question project: Sandra Roberts

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to Sandra Roberts:

Can you share your insights on the unique challenges and opportunities you've encountered while navigating bicultural communities in Amsterdam within the context of your role in event production?

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Deimantė Matulė: Leisti sau gyventi savo gyvenimą (Allow yourself to live your life)

Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Deimantę Matulę. Ji - veda privačias kūno ir judesio sesijas suaugusiems. Šiuo metu Deimantė gyvena Šveicarijoje.

[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Deimante Matule who conducts private body and movement sessions for adults and is residing in Switzerland.

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Rasa Misiūnaitė: Dvejoti Yra Žmogiška (It’s Human to Doubt)

Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Rasą Misiūnaitę. Ji - nesikrato veiklos ir užsiima darbais nuo kompiuteriu inžinerijos iki jogos. Šiuo metu Rasa gyvena Kopenhagoje, Danijoje.

[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Rasa Misiūnaite - a person of many occupations from computer engineering to joga. She currently lives in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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(un)framing moments

The magic truly happens in the "behind the scenes" moments. It's the connection forged with my subjects, the shared laughter, the whispered stories, and the unspoken bonds that become an integral part of the visual tale. These moments are the heartbeat of my artistry, the raw emotions that infuse life into every frame. […]

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Aušrinė Pudževytė: Nenustok Ieškoti Savęs (Don’t Stop Discovering Yourself)

Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Aušrinę Pudževytę. Ji - kūrybininkė bei kūrėja gyvenanti Amsterdam, Nyderlanduose.

[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Aušrine Pudževyte - a creative and a creator who is currently living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite

One question project: St Abel

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to St Abel:

How do you find your voice and continuously foster the process of self-development and authenticity?

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one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite

One question project: Zoë Papaikonomou

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to Zoë Papaikonomou:

How would you advise someone to practice being inclusive and focusing on the power relationships?

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Aistė Ryvers: Svarbiausia Išgirsti Save (The most important thing is to hear yourself)

Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Aistę Ryvers. Ji - akademiją į kūrybinį verslą iškeitusi moteris, šiuo metu gyvenanti Ghent, Belgijoje.

[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Aiste Ryvers who gave up academics to start her own creative business and currently resides in Ghent, Belgium.

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one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite

One question project: Carina van Kraay

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to a very inspiring woman - cultural entrepreneur, organiser of festivals and events, music lover and interior designer - Carina van Kraay:

What strategies or approaches have you found effective in navigating traditionally male-dominated environments and ensuring to keep up with staying relevant in an ever-evolving and competitive landscape?

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one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite

One question project: Jackie Ashkin

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to a PhD researcher by day and a spoken word artist by night - Jackie Ashkin:

How do you find the balance between working in academia and your creative expression?

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Giedrė Juškienė: visų pirma, svarbu žmogiškumas (above all, humanity is important)

Pokalbių serijoje apie lietuves, išsibarsčiusias po platųjį pasaulį, šįkart kalbinu Giedrę Juškienę iš Berlyno. Ji - sertifikuota pogimdyminė dula planuojanti sujungti dvi aistras ir tapti fotografuojančia dula.

[ENG] In this series of conversations with Lithuanian women who have left their motherland for a variety of reasons, I am speaking with Giedre Juškiene who is a certified postpartum doula and is currently planning to combine her two passions to become a photography doula. She currently resides in Berlin.

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one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite one question, female empowerment, inspiration, photography Evelina Kvartunaite

One question project: Hilin Düyü

One Question Project is there to illuminate amazing women and their experiences and to make them accessible to anyone. It’s created to inspire, and challenge us to take action, create new connections and rediscover things we maybe already know. This time I ask one question to a very talented and inspiring Hilin Düyü - singer, musician and coach:

How do you think music can help the world?

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