insights, travel, creativity, photography Evelina Kvartunaite insights, travel, creativity, photography Evelina Kvartunaite

Standing (on the shoulders of) giants

I am so happy to finally feel that Lithuania has changed. The feeling we used to hold so close of the smaller and inferior country is feeling further and further away. We are proud of so many things - and we don't need to feel lesser for maybe some weirder aspects of that. Yes, its all ours and it's something that is important to remember - it's okay you find our pink soup a little strange or skyscrapers aren't tall enough. Finally we can be proud of the authenticity, of the unique quirkiness we hold. And it's okay. And it’s awesome!

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thoughts, education, travel, creativity, diversity & inclusion Evelina Kvartunaite thoughts, education, travel, creativity, diversity & inclusion Evelina Kvartunaite

Like folding air

Exactly a week ago I made my first balloon animal. A dog. A good one. For a first attempt anyways. It felt strange to be in a space so far away from my daily realities of holding space for stories of trauma, fear and running for safety. It was different. And yet so familiar. This space and those people - I have realized I have spent 23 years in youth work, lifelong learning and non formal education. Maybe scary. Maybe inspiring. Maybe a little bit like folding air…

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thoughts, UA, creativity, Ukraine Evelina Kvartunaite thoughts, UA, creativity, Ukraine Evelina Kvartunaite

little things that matter

It’s been more than a month since Ukraine is under attack. It’s been more than a month of tears, loss, grief, anger but also connection, coming together, holding hands and hearts close to each other. I feel like there are so many things to be shared, to be said, to be heard and I think in the begining it was really obvious how lost for words I felt. Now I feel full of stories, full of love, full of ideas and full of visualizing the steps we need to take to keep on going further, going on.

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