so close
Just a blurry picture because Ira didn’t know what plant was it and I could google it. Because flowers. Because curiosity. Because love.
When you reside within your skin, you can feel it. You are holding the all of you - your anger, your kindness, your fears, your tenderness - everything that makes all of you. And I feel it more than ever. And even if I am not producing a profesional content, not developing workshops at the moment, I feel like I am really residing within my skin, within the moments that are there for me like gemstones - glowing in the sunlight, changing lightness and shades with every breath.
It’s not an easy path to navigate. Its people, its feelings, it’s basic things like packing up lunch and thinking of where to buy a ticket. Its beautiful and its painful at the same time. And not in a macabre way. It’s raw and true. Like placing youself in the hands of strangers while your own blood is too overwhelmed. It’s literal and it’s metaphorical. But it’s always real.
The biggest things that I am learning past three weeks is about connection, trust and empathy. The very essence of humanity, of being raw and beautiful, of being in pain and laughing anyways. And it’s a gift. It’s a gift to feel humbled by peoples kindness, peoples faith, attention or even failure for the lack of knowing, understanding of reference. We need to fail more to know and I kept saying to someone I love, I am so so happy to learn that you still have more ways to fail, because it means life wasn’t that hard on you, that means that there is more spaces for growing, more space for sparkles and learning and creativity. I love that.
I find so much faith and strengh in people who run from war and still have time to anticipate for the flowers, take time to observe and be surprised. I find it so unbelievably beautiful and inspiring and humbing again and again. We are all in this together. More than we will ever know.
*dedicated to ira, zina, zena & jim