Never too late to study & learn

In the past year, I have challenged myself to explore more than just informal learning, LinkedIn Learning, reading research and watching Masterclass or listening to podcasts. Which of course is a fun and accessible way to grow and learn and discover but I thought it was a bit of a challenge for me to go back to the academic approach. So after more than ten years after my graduation of the University of Southern Denmark, I went to study Leadership & Innovation at MIT and then followed that up with Change Management course at the Open University.

It was a very fun experience especially finding myself in the middle of global pandemic with travel and other kinds of restrictions it felt like a well invested time to experience what it’s like to study at two very different schools in the US and the UK.

My take aways would be few points:

  • you can take as much or as little you can or choose to

  • taking notes is a very important aspect to learning (perhaps sounding outdates but really felt it helped to maintain new information)

  • creating pockets of time to study and not get distracted

  • share with your peers and friends about what you learned and the progress you made

  • ask for help

  • have fun with it!


Milda Perminienė: Tiesiausias kelias į sėkmę - daryti tai, kas džiugina (Do what gives you joy and success will follow)


Renata Kemeklytė: gyvenimas man - tai galimybės (life to me is opportunities)